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Frequently asked Questions

1: Question:  Where does Mondiala Productions distribute its products?  


Answer: When a product is finished we will sell it on the open market to the highest bidder. If we believe we can make more money than what anyone is willing to pay by releasing it ourselves as for example a web series then we will do that.  

2: Question :  How is Mondiala Productions funded? 


Answer: Mondiala Productions is currently funded by Mondiala Entertainment and by private investors. 


3: Question: What do I get paid for my work as an actor or as an artist when working with Mondiala Productions? 


Answer :  In a market economy, like we live in you get to decide yourself what you charge for your services, in this case your time and the skill you have at your craft. 


If you have a service that is in high demand, let's say that for example there are many production companies that all want to hire you for a role during the same period the price of your services will naturally go up.  Whichever production company wants you the most will outbid the others for your time as long as what you charge is within their budget. 


If you're on the other hand just starting out and you're in competition for a role with another actor and you're both equally good for the part, having a lower price tag on your services then your competition will most likely land you the part. Supply and demand. 


4:  Question: Where does Mondiala Productions shoot the scenes for “The True Spirit Within”? 


Answer: The company is based in Gothenburg, Sweden so we will shoot as much as possible in our local area. We have “Bohus Fästning '' here which is great and we have a cooperation partner in Bokenäs close to Uddevalla that has a really amazing set as well where many of the scenes will be shot. 


5:Question: Can you help with accommodation during the period that we are shooting?


Answer: Yes, for the most part. Principal actors can stay at our collective if they like while we are shooting. 

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